Friday, November 12, 2004


No my brutha, you got to get yo own!

Ya'll remember that Slow Jams commercial on BET from back in the day? ROFLMAO
Anyway, that commercial came to my mind after a girlfriend of mine asked to borrow something of mine. Let me let some of you in on a little secret you may not have known. I can be stingy as hell. *GASP* is true. hee hee Shiiit. Who am I kidding? That ain't no secret. Those that know me KNOW I'm stingy with my stuff. Again, I blame it on being an only child. I'm not used to sharing.....certain things, that is. Let me back up a bit. It's not that I'm not a giving person. I think I'm a very giving person. It's in my loving, Pisces nature to be a giving person. However, when it comes to my clothes, shoes, accessories, some food products, etc. I can be very stingy. I've always been that way. Also back in my college days, I was stingy with my kool-aid, sweet tea and Doritos. hee hee However, if you needed a place to crash for a few days, food to eat (sometimes) I would be more than willing to share my space and food. I had this one roommate in college who would take it upon herself to wear my clothes. My classes were earlier than hers so I'd usually leave before her. Anyway, I remember being on the yard one day and she popped up there with not only a shirt of mine but a complete ensemble of mine!! Maybe if it was just a shirt I wouldn't have minded. Maybe if we didn't roll in the same circle of friends, I wouldn't have minded. But damn! Ask a sistah first. That mess drove me crazy! But I'd never say anything. She used to use my cordless phone during the evenings after class and stay on that mug all night talking to her man. She'd bring the phone back after the battery started chirping. I say I would be so pissed but I'd never say anything. Maybe that's why she continued to do the things she did. She probably thought I didn't mind. I think that's why I'm the way I am today. I was already kind of stingy but college made me stingiER. But anyway, my girl wanted to borrow my Gucci purse. Nope! I say. You might say, that's just stingy. So what. It's mine. Wait a minute. *quick subject change* I just thought of something completely off the subject. Everytime I say or hear somebody say, "So, it's mine." I think of this one time back in 8th grade. Go back with me, if you will. (hear the harp playing signifying going back in time) I was sitting at my desk. Up in the front ofcourse because we had to sit alphabetically. This one cat named Chad (he was slightly touched...i think) went up to talk to the teacher about something. While standing there waiting to get acknowledged, he dug up his butt! I happened to be looking up there cuz I'm nosey as hell and and saw this disgusting act. It was even more disgusting because of who he was. Anyway, I said, "Uuuuugh Chad!" He turned around and said in his slow tone of voice, "'s mine!" I thought that was the funniest yet nastiest shit! And I never forgot it. Me and my best childhood manfriend laugh about it to this day. Ok....back to the subject at hand. I paid for it with my hard earned cash. hee hee And I didn't get it from the bootlegger. Thank.You. As far as my outfits go. Nope. You're not finna funk my outfits up. Nosireebob. I've learned the hard way that people don't take care of your stuff the way you take care of your own stuff. Know what I mean? Not only that, sometimes folks conveniently forget that they BORROWED something from you. Basically, you're dealing with a person who's been scorned by friends who have taken advantage of my kindness. So the next time you think about asking to borrow something from me, think again. *smooches*

Sugah, now I know why u is my folks... You ain't NEVAH lied. I too am an Only Child and I really don't trip about most things, but if you EBEN think you can borrow one of the LV's (yes, plural), rock a pair of the Casadei's or anything worth more than $300.00, HOUSTON I think we have a MUPHuKin problem!!
I ain't that attached to material things, I just take very good care of my things and if you PHUCK it up YOU WILL be replacing it. So as to not have a "Situation" occur, don't EBEN much ax me bout my thangs, CAPICE????

LOVE Always, Ms. I Work Hard for the $
My turn...*QUICK SUB CHANGE* I was in Hong Kong gettin my shoppin habit FIX and I saw "Do-DO Eddie", this boy from 1st grade that used to Boo-Boo on himself. He was like, hey, don't I know you? Guhl, all I could do wuz laugh in his shitty face!!!
I remember one time my sorority sister borrowed my favorite skirt. I still get mad when I think about it. When (months later) I asked for it back, she said she let her roommate borrow it and she didn't know where it was.

I was fuming hot!
"Neither a borrower or lender be."

Except if I'm in need and just happen to borrow Mu's strand of pearls (costume) and keep forgetting to return them.
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