Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Things I loved in the 80's....

These are not written in order of preference. I was sitting here reminiscing (as i do quite often) and started thinking about the 80's. Damn, I miss those days. Gone are the worry and trouble free days...
Oh... I do realize that I still have to complete part II of my first. I'll get back to that momentarily. *smooches*

1. The music!!! Damn....I miss that universal, we got the beat, hey micky type of music. Know what I mean? From Duran Duran to Stetsasonic. Oooh! Ya'll don't know nothing 'bout Stetsasonic. ha!
2. Atari (Donkey Kong, Pac Man, Space Invaders....etc.) I played Atari so much that I developed a callus on the inside of my hand between my thumb and pointer finger. ROFL
3. Calico Vision ( i didn't have this but knew kids who had it and couldn't figure out for the life of them what to do with all those other knobs and what nots on the joystick/control thingy.)
4. Cabbage Patch Kids - Man...why did my parents almost get into a fight at the toy store for one of these damn dolls???? Kids were crazy about these dolls. Needless to say, I got my Cabbage Patch Kid.
5. Hot Pink and other flouresent colors. I look at pictures now and ask myself, "Why?"
6. Fraggle Rock - What?!? I loved, loved, LOVED this show.
7. Saturday morning cartoons. I used to seriously look forward to the Saturday morning cartoons all the time. Especially the new cartoons. (Snorks, Smurfs, The Littles....)
8. Right On! magazine
9. The Beat magazine
10. Michael Jackson poster (you know the one when he had that yellow sweater vest and white pants on....and hands in pocket)
11. Chinese Jumprope (jump in, jump out, jump side to side, jump on. Was this a Michigan thing? not sure)
12. That rope/string game we played with our hands. (witch's broomstick)
13. Rubix Cube
14. Uno
15. War (i declare war card game)
16. Breakin, Electric Boogaloo
17. Jet top 20 singles and albums
18. French braid down the middle of my head.
19. Rubber bracelets
20. Baby Soft perfume (although that shit stunk)
21. Wet -n- Wild products
22. Garbage Pail Kids
23. Cosby Show
24. Dynasty
25. ABC afterschool specials
26. Colored Levis
27. Leg Warmers
28. Swatch watches
29. Swinging on the swings - remember doing the butterfly with your friends? connecting your feet inside the swing of the person next to you and then having somebody push you both at the same time.)
30. Dodgeball
31. Kickball
32. Lee Press On nails
33. Life (game)
34. Connect Four
35. Ramona Quimby books
36. Sweet Valley High books
37. Those Science Fiction books where you could choose your own endings
38. Hide and Go Seek
39. Hide and Go Get it
40. Freeze Tag
41. TV Tag
42. Curb (game we played in Flint)
43. Mother May I?
44. Red Light, Green Light
45. Playing house and doctor....hee hee
46. Having to be in when the street lights came on 47. Electric blue eyeliner (thanks for the reminder Kajuana!) I definitely wore this on a regular. Again, I ask myself, "Why" when I look at those pictures.

How about I used to have a small stroke when "Fraggle Rock" would come on and Wet & wild lipstick #545 a wanna be Chocolate Raspberry (Fashion Fair) some even had the nerve to wear black eyeliner as lipliner (So wrong)... This right here really took me back. This really made me laugh, I showl needed it.
So u gonna ignore electric blue eye-liner? Or are you trying to keep that our Michigan secret??
Girl wait a minute! I swear I meant to put the blue eyeliner on there. I used to ROCK that shit and try to take it off before my parents got home from work. ha hahaha

This is one GOOD BLOG!

WHoa girl! Keep writing. Cuz I'm definately gonna come back to visit your spot.

Actually, check out my spot, you get Blog Of The Week.
Guhllllllllllllllllllllllllll....you named the classics didn'tchu!!
Girl, you just took me back. I loved playing outside. But, we didn't play Hide & Go Get It ... We played Catch A Girl, Get A Girl/Catch A Boy, Get A Boy. And don't forget about the Huffy bicycles. Mine was pink. Ahh, life was so simple then.

how about all thoose buttons we put on our jackets? Cutting all our sweatshirts like we were in flashdance....my momma said if you cut one more shirt that you didn't buy im gonna....(you fill in the rest)The plastic ass Michael Jackson jackets......dam I could go on and on! You brought back hella memories!
What about riding the bus home. That shit was like a traveling def comedy jam tour errday from 3:30 to 4:15. You forgot parachute pants and satin starter jackets. And "tails". 'Member those. We'd come from the barber shop with a high top fade and a 3 inch tiny ponytail in the back. That's how Mikey got you, right? Luv ya baby.
Chinese Rope and Atari.....YES!! I still play Galaga whenever I get the chance to go to an arcade :)
I loved the 80's cause I didnt have to worry about bills and working.
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