Monday, November 01, 2004


Who ever said a blind man couldn't put it down?

Me and a friend of mine went to go see the movie, "Ray" last night. First of all, we went to the 8:15pm show. We got there a little before 8:00pm I think. may have been a little bit after 8:00pm. The parking lot didn't seem too full. Well as soon as we walked inside the theater itself, I saw nothing but a damn plethora of people already up in that mug. I was like, "DAYUM!" I thought we got there early enough to get a good seat. We ended up sitting in the front section. I was damn near trying to recline my seat into the person's lap behind me. hee hee My eyes eventually adjusted. That was a really good movie. But damn...why the heck was Ray Charles a damn playa?!" Boy....Ray Charles was puttin it down. Shii....i guess you don't need to be able to see to put it down! But I have to say that Jamie Foxx REALLY put it down! I mean, he played the hell out of that part. He was PHENOMENAL! Job well done! I learned a lot about Ray Charles that I otherwise may never have known had I not seen the movie. I have to say that I was tapping my little foot on the sticky theater floor. There was this one scene in the movie where they were singing this song from the infamous episode of the Cosby Show. I can't remember what it's called. But ya'll remember the song. I think it's called "Night time." The one when the whole family was singing and Rudy broke out and said, "Baaaabay! Baaaabay! Baaaabay! Ohhhhh baabay!" I think that got everybody going in the theater. I heard folks, behind me ofcourse, snickering. Nostalgic, snickering moments, I presume. hee hee Might I suggest, if you haven't seen the movie yet, take you a pillow to sit on . My ass was hurting! And it ain't like I'm lacking in the back end. So you KNOW I must have been sitting for long time. The movie was like....two and a half hours long. My goodness! But wait a minute.... While sitting there, I was leaning over towards my friend and I smelled this awful smell. Somebody damn pooted. I looked at him and he looked at me. I looked like, " wasn't me." ha ha haha I look over to my right and the girl next to me was knocked out. I realized that the smell was coming from 'round her way. I guess a poot accidentally escaped her ass as she drifted off into sleep. At least I hope it was an accident. Shit was funny though. LOL Me and my friend just giggled and finished watching the movie.

Yes, that was a long movie... and when they did the "babaaay" part everyone in the theater did bust out laughing too... Im mad somebody pooted! LOL. Ugh I hate when someone does that in a place with no windows... I always get this feeling like Im being suffocated after that...

Ewww...yeah that poot was disgusting. lol I couldn't even duck for cover because I didn't hear it. So you know it was one of those silent but deadly ones!
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