Thursday, January 13, 2005


Caught in the Crossfire pt. I

Have you ever felt like you were caught in the crossfire of two friends? That's how I feel right now. This can be a long ass story. I'm trying to figure out how to go about it without making it a long drawn out story. *rubbing chin* I'll see what I can do.
Ok...about six or seven years ago a good friend of mine moved here. She had been apartment hunting and finally settled on one particular apartment community. Well, it just so happened that another one of my good friends happened to live in the same apartment community. The time came for her to move in. Not only did she move into the same apartment community, but she moved into the same building as my other good friend. One flight of stairs up, as a matter of fact. Ok...let me give my friends names before it gets confusing. (...thinking of good pseudo names) Ok...I got it. Good friend that relocated here is Bird. Good friend who already lived here is Cutiepie. I was excited about my friends being neighbors. Especially with Bird being new to the area. I thought it would be good for her to get know Cutiepie in the event that she needed something. Well time went on and Bird and Cutiepie started spending a lot of time with each other. I mean, they shared a lot of the same habits. Both of them LOVED to smoke weed. I'm not talking about a weekend type of thing. I'm talking about they smoked damn near everyday. I wasn't a weed smoker so I didn't kick it with them as much as I used to at one point. Bird would call me and say, " and Cutiepie went here or we went there...blah, blah, blah." I started feeling left out. (speaking of feeling left out, I'm leaving so much out already) Anyway, part of me started getting jealous because I felt like damn....I introduced these two heifas, my friends and they don't even include me in any of their reindeer games! Well, I left out that my friend Bird is Bi-Sexual. Well...knowing Bird the way I know her, I automatically assumed that she had hit on Cutiepie in some form of fashion. I mean, she's always touchy feely and always wanting to give or receive massages. Especially when she's good and high. Believe me....I know. I've been on the receiving and giving end of the massages. However, we've never "messed around." Anyway, seeing as though they spent a lot of their free time together I already knew.... Oh...I left out that Cutiepie and her boyfriend broke up and he moved out. Well, this is when Bird and Cutiepie really started kicking it. The next thing I knew, Cutiepie moved in with Bird. know I was really jealous then. Why? I don't know. But I started acting real funny to Cutipie....for no reason. I guess I misdirected my jealous and frustrated feelings. For one, Bird used to always tell me about things her and Cutiepie used to do together. She'd tell me how they'd give each other massages. She'd tell me how they'd sit up smoking and talking. She'd tell me how they used to go out to eat, shopping, etc. All the while, I'm thinking, "That's what WE used to do!" Bird and I have a very candid relationship. So I was pretty up front with her about my jealous feelings and what not. She would make it seem like I had no reason to be jealous but yet and still would turn around and make comments about how cute Cutiepie was. She would never actually confirm that they were messing around but she would make little comments. I kind of felt like she was trying to make me jealous. But why would she do that?? I was just trippin.... I mean, I'm not going to even go into detail. Even though those details may paint a better picture of why I was jealous and frustrated with Bird. But...Cutiepie caught the brunt of it. Cutiepie and I drifted apart. If I came up there and she was there, I'd half speak to her. I was so rude....and I'm so ashamed. I am ashamed because Cutiepie and I were REAL one time. Honestly, I think I was just upset because I felt like she took my friend away from me. (so elementary) You know, I was excited about my friend moving down here. I was looking forward to us kicking it and doing whatever. But....we hardly kicked it. You're probably wondering, "Well damn, did you want to get with Bird or something?" I had to ask myself the same damn thing! (gasping!!!) I mean, I was literally questioning my sexuality for a minute. I even shared this with my boyfriend at the time. He just felt I was being elementary and that I'd get over it. LOL Little did he know...
Anyway, Christmas time was approaching. Bird bought Cutiepie all this stuff. She even came over to my apartment to wrap her gifts. Now you already know.... I was sitting there cutting my eyes at her. And this heifa didn't get me shii! (i can laugh now...but I was pissed). All the while, she was soooo excited about the gifts she bought Cutiepie. She was excited about their upcoming trip for New Years Eve to the west coast. It was during this visit that I just broke her down and FINALLY received confirmation (though I already knew) that Bird and Cutiepie were a damn couple and shit. Bird didn't want me to let Cutiepie know that I knew about them because Cutiepie wasn't ready to "come out." She figured she would let Cutiepie tell me herself. WTF-ever! Me and Cutiepie weren't even on the best of terms anyway. I wasn't going to say much of anything to her anyway. Especially about her and my friend that she stole. I know...I know. So wrong of me.
Fast forwarding to the beginning of the summer months. Both Bird and Cutiepie weren't working. So, they somehow decided to move. Bird wanted to move back to the "urrea" and Cutiepie decided to roll back with her. WHAT?!? This shii must be serious!! Yeah...Bird had only been here a year and was ready to move back to the "urrea." Well, they moved and I didn't talk to Bird or Cutiepie for a long ass time. Not surprising because Bird can be very flightly. Hence the name, Bird. She can go months without talking to her friends and shii will be cool with her. She'll just cut your ass off...for no reason. I'd call their house but never get a return phone call. Nobody would ever answer. Nothing. Come to think of was like that before they moved. Oh well. I'm going to have to make this a two part entry. Maybe even three. Shoot. I haven't even scratched the surface of being caught in the crossfire! Ya'll know I always have to set it up before actually telling my story. LOL Peace.

Getting in between two friends can be a serious situation..Great blog..
yeah I'm caught up between two friends right now... one of whom is pregnant and the other of whom doesn't seem to give a damn that he caused it. it's a mess.
Damn. This is a long entry. Your entries are long, and rare.

**Love you but u know I couldn't let you get away with calling my wedding story long**

Now, I'll go read this entry.
Will we have to wait three weeks for the next part??

*Smart ass? Why yes I am!)
Good girlfriends are hard to come by these days, so you want to hold on to the ones you have. I've been thru it so many times before, it's not elementary, it's you wanting to keep your friendship intact.

And by the way....
How are you gonna leave me hanging like that? Damn!
I think that hass happened to everybody at least once...I'll keep you posted
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